Title: This new ... king George imperial tyranny --- is far worse ! Source:
lf URL Source:http://lf.com Published:Mar 29, 2013 Author:me Post Date:2013-03-29 20:35:09 by BorisY Keywords:self combust, self combust, self combust Views:6347 Comments:13
The American revolution wasn't a one fought war deal !
This new king George imperial tyranny is far worse !
Communists are using low intelligence minority - pot heads - civil rights - social justice - engineering - advocates to advance their marxist - fascist neocom brave new world agenda !
The word derives from fasces, the Roman symbol of collectivism and power: a tied bundle ...
just like the rainbow push coalition ---
like minded nazis !
Anarchist - libertarians ... want to achieve the same purpose - ends --- voluntarily !
If you ... don't use exclamation points --- you should't be typeing ! Commas - semicolons - question marks are for girlie boys !
Communists are using low intelligence minority - pot heads - civil rights - social justice - engineering - advocates to advance their marxist - fascist neocom brave new world agenda !
Americans in particular don't have to be taught these uncivilized behaviors; they simply absorb them through the process of "successful" socialization/enculturation during childhood. That is the code of a savage, in modern terms, the unconstrained, amoral striver, and that code reigns in an uncivilized society. Why would you strive to behave in a civilized manner when the successful, the popular and the powerfulmost everybody wants those thingsgot that way by behaving like barbarians?
Under conditions expected to be announced on Saturday, depositors in Bank of Cyprus will get shares in the bank worth 37.5 percent of their deposits over 100,000 euros, the source told Reuters, while the rest of their deposits may never be paid back.
And to stay ahead of collapse you're gonna now have to initiate life Saving (s) Actions Before you get confirmation of same.....;}
Like this:
Arkansas State Fusion Center Director Richard Davis
Frago 242 and the Salvador Option
As researcher Max Fuller reported five years ago:
In Iraq the war comes in two phases. The first phase is complete: the destruction of the existing state, which did not comply with the interests of British and American capital. The second phase consists of building a new state tied to those interests and smashing every dissenting sector of society. Openly, this involves applying the same sort of economic shock therapy that has done so much damage in swathes of the Third World and Eastern Europe. Covertly, it means intimidating, kidnapping and murdering opposition voices. (For Iraq, The Salvador Option Becomes Reality, Global Research, June 2, 2005)
Pentagon spokesperson Geoff Morrell denounced the leaks Friday evening, claiming the document dump was a gift to terrorist organizations that put at risk the lives of our troops.
The founders were right ... Hannibal gets red carpeted --- into the gates of rome !
Affirmative action
black Marxist america
There will be some who dare to resist the pillaging of our bank accounts, the erosion of our rights, and the enslavement that comes with the dismantling of America.
The dust clouds visible on the far horizon that watchmen have been reporting for decades can now be seen ... as an attacking army of barbarians --- whose fighters are now on the ladders and cannons are breaching our empires outer walls.
Who knows how long the inner walls of our empire will survive the next wave of their coming attack
If you ... don't use exclamation points --- you should't be typeing ! Commas - semicolons - question marks are for girlie boys !