smash442 hours ago
Perfectly understandable. Forget the pizza. I'd try to drown my wife too if she watched all those disgusting vomit-inducing, pseudo-liberal, 1-PERCENTER pieces of human garbage who played 12-12-12.
Dana Eslinger> smash442 hours ago−
They WERE truly awful: wrinkled old has-beens that have long outived any relevance to the present times.
Lefty Capuccino> smash442 hours ago
in that one night those "vomit-inducing pseudo-liberals" did more to help people then you will in your lifetime.
Nd2fixyourbrain> Lefty Capuccino2 hours ago
How? By using the power of government to steal from the productive folks and give it to themselves?
John Handcock> Robert Rayan hour ago−
Considering that the perp is a white guy from a heavily REPUBLICAN area of Florida, I think it is fair to say that a "WHITE TRA$H REDNECK NEOCON ROMNEY VOTER" is the culprit here...
Laurie Jacobs> John Handcock36 minutes ago
Apparently this is lefty trash. No decent republican or libertarian would have been caught dead watching that show.
Poster Comment:
yes we crash ... dope --- rot