A Covenantal Action Corps Alert:
(The Petraeus sex scandal is being used to
Hide another "Fast and Furious" gun
running operation designed to get the
UN Small Arms Treaty ratified.) by Coral Snake
The sex scandal brewing around Former CIA Director and General Petraeus and other military, CIA and FBI figures is nothing but a SMOKESCREEN and DISTRACTION!! Its goal is to hide the fact that what happened in Libya is yet another botched "Fast and Furious" style GUN RUNNING SCHEME designed to scare the Senate into ratifying the UN SMALL ARMS TREATY and impose ONE WORLD GUN CONTROL on the United States. The private guns in the United States (and in a lesser degree in Switzerland) are the LAST REMAINING ROADBLOCK between the ONE WORLD "PROGRESSIVES" (ie THE KENITES) and their plans for MASS GENOCIDAL DEPOPULATION as written in their "ten commandments", THE GEORGIA GUIDESTONES of which the DEATH PANELS IN OBAMACARE are also a part.
The STALINIST Obama DOES NOT WANT TO WAIT for the retirements necessary for him to move the Supreme Court in the gun grabber direction TO START USING HIS OBAMACARE DEATH PANELS AND FEMA CAMPS TO START GENOCIDE. He wants to start using them NOW and therefore sees the only away around the second amendment in order to do this in THE UN SMALL ARMS TREATY and its ONE WORLD GUN CONTROL PROPOSALS. Therefore he has had the BATF in one case and the CIA in another initiate GUN RUNNING SCHEMES to scare senators who may be recalcitrant into voting to ratify this treaty. BOTH GUN RUNNING SCHEMES RESULTED IN MURDER OF AMERICAN CITIZENS and the sex scandal is only coming out to hide Obama administration involvement in the Mexican and Middle Eastern GUN RUNNING SCHEMES when they went wrong. Pay NO attention to the Petraeus sex scandal. IT IS NOT THE REAL STORY of the Libyan deaths of American Citizens, Gun Running in order to get the UN SMALL ARMS TREATY ratified and the GEORGIA GUIDESTONES GENOCIDE started is the real story hiding behind it.