Title: Ron Paul to Announce Independant Run on Jay Leno Sept 4th (Libertarian - Paul/Johnson) Source:
Godlike Productions URL Source:http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1974873/pg1 Published:Sep 1, 2012 Author:Anonymous Coward Post Date:2012-09-01 00:33:50 by Hondo68 Keywords:None Views:8748 Comments:15
An independent run will likely reelect Obummer as it siphons votes from rMoney
Obama can't win, if Ron Paul does. Neither Obama nor Romney are well liked.
It's unlikely that he'll run independent, too difficult to gain ballot access. The Libertarian Party is likely to have 50 State ballot access, but they'd need to change the name at the top.
Romney's going to lose, might as well have Ron Paul as the winner rather than Obama.