Keep your pickpockets out of my wallet. I think the 30 year old deadbeat slut is the one that needs to grow up and buy her own pills. Why do you glorify the life of a slut?
Does Lucy buy her own pills or does she expect the church to provide them for her?
You could be right, and I've been expecting too much in the way of adult behavior from him.
Are you stupid. What kind of mom were you? Did you teach your daughter to sleep around and tell her the catholic church would pay for it. If you had any class you would be ashamed.
The gas tax is supposed to pay for that lamer. The people who use the roads should pay for them through gas tax. Gas tax should only be used for roads. That is my position. Your position is some people can't drive on the roads. Who the hell are you to tell me where to drive? You support murdering babies, stealing money from workers to give it to sluts to have sex, stealing money to fund baby murder, stealing money to buy deadbeats free food, making the productive normal people pay for a faggot who gets aids. You are one looney bitch.
Are you stupid. What kind of mom were you? Did you teach your daughter to sleep around and tell her the catholic church would pay for it. If you had any class you would be ashamed.
Go whine to Murron. She doesn't expect much from men.
Anyone claiming to be an expert is selling something. I brandish my ignorance like a crucifix at vampires. Aaron Bady