On Sept. 11, 2001, we, the people of the United States, were attacked on our own soil. Nearly 3,000 fellow Americans were murdered on our own land. Three hundred forty- three police and firefighters were killed doing their job, trying to save others. This was the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil in the history of our nation. Have we forgotten the U.S. Marines killed in Beirut, the airmen killed in the Khobar Towers attack in Saudi Arabia, the sailors in the USS Cole, and all the others in the Pentagon, Pennsylvania and the World Trade Centers?
We did not start this war - terrorists did. But since Sept. 11 we have taken the fight to the enemy, on their home turf.
We have lost 2,800-plus American heroes. Is it worth it? There has not been a terrorist act in the U.S. since we have taken the war to the terrorists - I'd say we're winning. Are you scared to go to work? If the answer is no, then I'd say we are winning. Do you have a new respect for our all-volunteer military? Then I'd say we are winning. When you see a Marine, a soldier, an airman or a sailor, do you go out of your way to thank them? If you do, then I'd say we are winning.