Title: New Posting Category...Banned at Libertypost Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:Jan 29, 2012 Author:A K A Stone Post Date:2012-01-29 23:27:10 by A K A Stone Keywords:None Views:2542 Comments:3
Just created another category. Only use it when it is truly banned.
I was wondering if you could add at least one more category, here @LF.
We need a category that displays BANNED @LF or POSTS WHIMSICALLY REMOVED BY "MANAGEMENT" @LF or TIME-OUT @LF. As an opinion, the three categories could be integrated into a single mode, but since I am not privy to the complexity of the intricate technical details that a WEBMASTER on a primitive hole-in-the-wall-chit-chat channel performs to make his maejiick, I am not going to say it is a simple task.
Your help on this humble request is important to those of us that happen to remain.
This forum has an interesting flavor to it, kind of like the book Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
There are two forum owners, one fairly pleasant and OK to deal with, then this monster coms along snarling how certan people are liars and criminals because of their views.
I think the latter moderator who greets new posters cheerfully cant understand why this forum expands and contracts like the tide level in the Bay of Fundy in the North Atlantic that have as much as a 53.5 foot difference.
But the second moderator has a great idea what's up as he roams the halls sharpening his bloody meat cleaver with foam and spittle leaking from the corners of his mouth.
What do you think the deal is Buck? It's one of the craziest things I've ever seen.
What do you think the deal is Buck? It's one of the craziest things I've ever seen.
If the 'splitting' (Black and white thinking or the act of equating those whom one has casual disagreement with mortal enemies, satanic forces or whatever is considered evil) causes one to have a problem functioning in their day to day life or multiple run ins with the law, it's often considered a mental illness.
Almost every country in the Middle East is awash in oil, and we have to side with the one that has nothing but joos. Goddamn, that was good thinkin'. Esso posted on 2012-01-13 7:37:56 ET