Title: Looks like we need a thread for those who want to dump on Rick Santorum Source:
N/A URL Source:http://N/A Published:Jan 4, 2012 Author:ME Post Date:2012-01-04 19:27:18 by CZ82 Keywords:None Views:3137 Comments:18
Just thought we needed a thread so that those who wanted to dump on Rick Santorium could do so now that he's rising in the polls.....
Poster Comment:
Wouldn't be a typical day on LF if someone didn't lie about the political candidates......
Santorum has some good economic ideas, especially for manufacturing.
Santorum wants to:
Replace the current individual rate structure with just two rates10 and 28 percent Lower rates on capital gains and dividends to 12 percent Triple the personal exemption for dependent children and keep the refundable earned income and child tax credits Retain tax preferences for charitable giving, mortgage interest, health care, and retirement savings Repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax Cut the corporate rate in half to 17.5 percent. Manufacturers would pay no income tax Allow full expensing for capital investment Increase the R&D tax credit to 20 percent Allow multinationals to bring foreign earnings back to the U.S. at a 5.25 percent tax rate but at a zero rate if they used the funds to buy manufacturers equipment