Ezras shine-job, headlined How powerful are the Koch brothers? does its Beigeist best to muddle the readers head into believing that, yeah, the Kochs are kinda bad n stuff, but hey, its just how things are: as far as I can tell, the Koch brothers are rich ideologues/industrialists who are in competition with other rich ideologues, trade organizations, interest groups, constituents, activists, electoral incentives and so on to set the agenda of the Republican Party. Sometimes they are part of the coalition that succeeds, as in the case of energy policy. Sometimes they are part of the coalition that fails, as in the case of foreign policy.
Yeah, they win some, they lose some. Except in the Kochs case, even when they supposedly lose in foreign policy, they actually winmilitary contracts that is, for wars they really, really hate, as Yasha Levine points out here.
So all in all, yeah, Ezra Klein looks at this and decides, Its just like ACORN, nothing to worry about folks, keep moving along:
In general, the Koch brothers are in a similar category: Influential political players court them for their money, work with them when it suits their purposes and ignore them otherwise. That makes them a lot more powerful than you or me, and certainly worthy of attention. But it doesnt make them into a grand unified theory of conservative politics, and people should be skeptical when theyre presented as such.
Really, the problem isnt so much Ezraafter all, hes a former roommate of Megan [McArdle]s and a longtime friend of hers, Weigels, and every other corrupt libertard scavenger in DCthe problem is that the Washington Post must have known what they were doing when they zeroed in on this gullible, star-fucking pipsqueak to represent the so-called liberal consensus. The Fred Hiatts and Charles Lanes chose Ezra Klein for the same reason Roger Ailes chose Alan Colmes to sit next to Hannity.
But Im in a charitable mood today...
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Warning: sexually explicit image at "The Exiled"