Title: Lets Name The Bad Bad People Of The Internet! Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:Dec 28, 2011 Author:A K A Stone Post Date:2011-12-28 18:56:35 by A K A Stone Keywords:None Views:95746 Comments:156
There are a lot of asshole douche bags on the internet. I will start naming them soon and some of the reasons why they are internet assholes/douchebags.
Douches only post on other sites. So don't talk crap about anyone here. :)
What you dismiss is the management of the LP forum over&above Tater. It is not his fault he is a loose canon; he is allowed to be that way from Sally@LP.
The place is a wreck and needs more prolific posters. I was banned years ago because of my incendiary opinions concerning our nation's borders; on LP, the last time I saw the threads) the LP Kloughns despise Ron Paul.
You are a poster on LP, correct? Go there, tell them your astute opinions.
I have a nine year old niece who has better debating skills.
Seriously, why don't you ever discuss issues? It seems that you can't discuss anything except other posters. You have to make it personal, or you can't compete. Hell, you can't even engage without making it personal.
That's just embarrassing! You're a grown man for Christ's sake.
We The People posted on 2011-07-30 17:18:28 ET Reply Trace
You can't harass mommy's little boy without consequences. Or, evidently you can't try to get him to stop the kid stuff and discuss issues. That's a major infraction.
Did you read the whole thread? It's only 30 something posts. Great article on War Powers though.
I was previously given two, two week timeouts for pointing out yukon's infractions of Goldi's posted rules on civility. Every time yukon violated those rules, I pinged Goldi to his posts, and there were MANY. I guess she got tired of me proving her to be a hypocrite, so she'd give me a time out.
But read the thread in which I was banned. I was being a good boy.
I had also just posted an article explaining why Obama didn't have the power to get involved in Libya. The same article is here... libertysflame.com/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=26796 A search will show that I had posted a few other similar articles on War Powers and was making the case that Obama did not have the authority to engage yet another Middle Eastern nation militarily. Maybe that is what she had had enough of.
She doesn't complain much when ME nations are getting pounded, even if it's unconstitutional. She's an Israel firster extraordinaire.
Which brings us to Goldi-Lox, owner of Liberty Post.
First, let's look at this...
Welcome to Liberty Post, the premier news discussion forum providing speed, efficiency, simplicity and ease of use for a variety of news topics.
Liberty Post is offered for use as the modern day electronic "town crier" or "broadside." As such, all political news and discussion, as well as current events, news of the day, scientific, medical and technical advances are welcome for discussion. We do not limit discussion to any specific political point of view, since truth can only exist where there is freedom to discuss those issues. There is no censorship of political ideas here.
We do insist that all users abide by the rules of civility. We challenge all users to exercise their manners in the way our Founding Fathers did. Our audience will be made of men, and women of all ages, as well as teens, and educated youngsters. As such, we insist that manners must be adhered to, in order to respect each other. No past personal issues or grievances will be allowed to interrupt discussions of the news and current events.
Should any user defy the rules of civility, exercise poor manners, their rudeness, personal attacks, intended disruptions, and mean-spirited actions will be rewarded with a revocation of rights of participation, which can be temporary or permanent, but no political point of view will be censored under any circumstances.
Spirited debate, varied opinions and points of view are the lifeblood of Liberty. We welcome you to our site and challenge you to participate in the exercise of your First Amendment rights in debating political issues! But caution is advised: this Liberty can be addicting, and the experience of open political dialog that may cause you to be exposed to ideas and people that can change your life dramatically.
Firstly, it's absolutely ridiculous that she would say that there is no censorship of political ideas. I have seen her ban MANY fans of Ron Paul, but if you're an Isreal firster neoconservative, then you get away with anything.
Her posted rules on civility are also ridiculous. Look at the site on any given day and you will plainly see that those rules DO NOT APPLY to her clown posse.
Now I wouldn't say that Goldi herself is a bad person, but I would say that she's a batshit crazy neoconservative, that can go from crazy to insane in 2.6 seconds.
I was there the day she turned into a 9-11 truther and even jumped on yukon for jumping on the truthers because, in her words, they were posting very compelling evidence and that we weren't being told the real story. Then, a couple days later she was back to her original self. She also floats some of the most ridiculous CT's of anyone on the site.
after the 2008 elections goldi specifically said the site mission was changed to conserve the conservative speech - voice !
Yeah, I was there.
That's typical of a neoconservative though. Had she been truthful she would have said "the site mission was changed to conserve the religious fundamental neoconservative speech - voice !"
Neoconservatives are always trying to pass off their leftist beliefs as conservative.