Title: Newt Gingrich Betrayed Hero Jonathan Pollard Source:
You Tube URL Source:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKn8YIEkhyI Published:Dec 8, 2011 Author:Condederate Zionist Post Date:2011-12-08 20:48:11 by A K A Stone Keywords:None Views:2290 Comments:5
I listened to his video and heard nothing I didn't hear before. I reject the claims that Saddam was close to nuclear weapons, and he talks about the 'disgrace' of the actions of France who sold the reactor the Israelis bombed, and other countries not agreeing with the excesses of the Israelis.
Pollard was no 'American Hero,' he was and is a zero and a traitor.
He talks very casually about who is fascist and who is not. But in Israel today there is no fair jurisprudence for Palestinians accused of a crime. If Israelis are alarmed and not liking blatant land theft, the double standard of arresting Palestinians who throw stones and ignoring Jewish Zionist settlers who do the same, and don't allow the right even to promote and conduct a boycott of the products of settlers who violate human rights and commit serious crimes, then this brings into serious doubt Israel is a democracy.
They should worry if the nation that deliberately tried to sink the U.S.S Liberty and kill it's naval crew is fascist, if denying the right to boycott is fascist, if killing indiscriminately whenever there is an invasion of Gaza feeling it is OK to kill innocents as long as some guilty are killed too is a fascist attitude.
The Israelis have to start acting a whole lot more like they respect the property and lives of others and learn to apply fair and equal justice, fair and equal representation in government and a livelihood and a future for the children of all people there before I would view then as having fascist elements to them wholly unacceptable.
You seem to fret, Stone that I don't understand or have researched these issues. I have, and I update my knowledge of this political hot spot and Israel almost daily.
The information in the video is not new, and neither is the self serving and myopic Zionist point of view this guy sells as his brand of snake oil.