Title: Are Snowe, Pelosi, Clinton, Ginsberg signs of the end times? So as to not upset the powers to be, I will not use Scripture, nor will I link to my website. But, what if I was to tell you that women in power, women like Senators Snowe and Collins of Maine, Supreme Court Jester Ruth Bader Ginsberg, ex Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Former presidential candidate and first trollop Hillary Clinton along with 100's of other women in positions of real power in Washington and thousands world wide are fulfillment of prophecy for the last days.
Well, believe it or not it is true. Up until about 150 years ago there were literally no women in power, today the police departments and fire departments are full of them.
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I have been told that local, state, county and federal government actually employ councilors to help menopausal women cope with the stress of being bosses and policy makers. Yes, God decreed it 2500 years ago and it has come to pass.
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Rich pickings at Lox Crazyland today.