Its become quite popular to talk about the price of gold . . . in blogs, the press, at dinner parties. The latest topic of debate is not about the price of gold as a commodity, but about gold as the one and only king money. The basic argument is that 5,000 years of tradition will overwhelm the tyranny of modern government and the fiat printing press. The barbaric relic will defeat socialism, fascism, Obama-ism, and restore liberty to the world, after a terrible economic collapse in which gold-owning visionaries become fabulously wealthy. Perhaps they are corrector perhaps not. I dont know what will happen in 10 years. However, unless civilization utterly collapses (which is what gold hoarders seem to want), the gold bubble will collapse. And I dont mean the 10 year bubble . . . I mean the 5,000 year bubble.
This claim might sound crazy, but its quite easy to defend, for the simple reason that there is too darn much gold. Gold enthusiasts will note that you cant just print gold like fiat paper.
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