Title: A Message From Occupied Wall Street (Day Four) Source:
OccupyWallStreet URL Source:https://occupywallst.org/ Published:Sep 21, 2011 Author:easilydistr Post Date:2011-09-21 12:42:04 by lucysmom Keywords:None Views:4133 Comments:30
This is the fourth communiqué from the 99 percent. We are occupying Wall Street.
On September 18th, 2011, we were awoken by police bullhorns around seven in the morning, they objected to us protecting ourselves from the rain. They told us that the tarps suspended above us had to be taken down. We held a General Assembly to determine how to respond. We decided that we would hold the tarps over ourselves and our possessions. The police ripped the plastic away from us. We then scrambled to protect our possessions, primarily the media equipment streaming our occupation to the world. The police were also mostly interested in our cameras, it seems like they don't want you watching us.
Before we say more about what happened to us it seems important to point this out: we do not think the police are our enemy. They have jobs, how could we fault them for that, when one sixth of America lives in poverty? when one sixth of America can't find work? The police are part of the 99 per cent.