Time has come again to fight and crush the class enemies with our collective iron fist! In his infinite wisdom, the most beloved son of both Kenya and United States of America has launched a new website named Attack Watch. It is your patriotic duty to be on the watch and promptly report any smears and lies you hear about our most beloved leader. Report anything bad you hear about him on radio, TV or the print media. But most important, you are expected to report your parents, brothers and sisters, your neighbors and friends and (as proof of supreme patriotism) your own children if you hear them saying anything upsetting about our most beloved comrade, the Secretary General Barak Obama. Because I always believed one should lead his comrades by example, here is the report I just submitted:
Dear Attack Watch komissars,
My neighbor lost her job last year and she is so poor that she's forced to eat raw babies. Sometimes at night she even eats scuba diver roe. She is so hungry all the time that I can hear her eating from my bedroom, mostly at night. All other neighbors blame her misfortune on Obama but I know it's not true, it is BushHitler fault. I believe that is very disturbing. Can Obama do something about this?
I love you Barry! XOXOXO
Comrades! Now it is time to mobilize! Go to Attack Watch and submit your own report to unmask the hostile elements undermining our perfect socialist society. Do not forget to post a copy here for our collective enjoyment!