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Title: Fox's Trumped Up Attack On Hoffa Just Latest Example Of Their Selective Outrage
Source: Media Matters
URL Source: http://mediamatters.org/research/201109060009
Published: Sep 6, 2011
Author: Media Matters
Post Date: 2011-09-06 14:39:13 by Brian S
Keywords: None
Views: 27208
Comments: 59

Fox has repeatedly attacked Teamsters president James Hoffa's statement that union members should "take these son of a bitches out" at a Labor Day rally, suggesting his comments constituted "a call for violence [toward] peaceful tea party members." But Hoffa was not endorsing violence -- he was urging his audience to remove elected officials by voting; furthermore, Fox has a history downplaying explicit threats or violent rhetoric when they are directed at Democrats and progressives.

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Fox Attacks Hoffa's Comments As "A Call For Violence"

Fox & Friends Attack Hoffa's Comments, Hype Claim That They "Amount To A Call For Violence On Peaceful Tea Party Members." On the September 6 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends, after airing video of James Hoffa's remarks at a rally in Detroit, MI, the three co-hosts discussed the comments and suggested Hoffa was calling for violence against tea party members:

GRETCHEN CARLSON (co-host): Wait a minute, "take them out." That has a certain connotation that is not good news for members of the tea party.

BRIAN KILMEADE (co-host): Right. If you're in the UFC or the WWE, it makes perfect sense.

STEVE DOOCY (co-host): Sure.

KILMEADE: Yes, it does. Knock them out.

DOOCY: Or take out for dinner, that would be great. But that's not what he's talking about.

KILMEADE: And a bit of a surprise. And this is something that clearly goes against what the president said to bring an era of decorum to the debate and not make it so personal. Remember? He said that about a year ago, after the tragic shooting of Gabby Giffords.

DOOCY: Well, maybe this guy didn't hear. Neither did Maxine Waters.


DOOCY: And regarding the tea party, the Tea Party Express, the head, Amy Kramer, said, "Hoffa's remarks are inexcusable and amount for a call for violence on peaceful tea party members which include many Teamster members." Remember, there are a lot of members of the teamsters union that are also tea party members. [Fox News, Fox & Friends, 9/6/11]

Fox Guest Blakeman Calls Comments "Thuggery At Its Best," Suggests "Legs Are Going To Get Broken, Somebody's Going To Disappear." On the September 5 edition of Fox News' America Live, an edited version of Hoffa's remarks was aired. Host Megyn Kelly then asked guest and Republican consultant Brad Blakeman to comment on the cropped video. Blakeman called the comments "thuggery at its best," adding, "It's what unions are good at." Blakeman also said the comments were "the kind of remarks you'd expect out of Tony Soprano" and that "when a union president says 'let's take these son of a bitches out,' it usually means someone's legs are going to get broken, somebody's going to disappear." [Fox News, America Live, 9/5/11, via Media Matters]

But Hoffa Urged Audience To Vote Out Elected Officials -- Not Resort To Violence

Hoffa Told Audience: "Everybody Here's Got To Vote ... Let's Take These Son Of A Bitches Out." In his full comments, Hoffa was urging his audience to vote out Republican members of Congress -- not inciting violence. As the unedited version of Hoffa's comments which aired on Fox & Friends' showed, Hoffa said:

HOFFA (video): We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face, the war on workers. And you see it everywhere -- it is the tea party. And you know, there's only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is, we like a good fight. And you know what? They got a war, they got a war with us. And there's only going to be one winner.


President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march.


Everybody here's got to vote. If we go back and we keep the eye on the prize, let's take these son of a [bitches] out and give America back to America where we belong. Thank you very much! Thank you! Thank you. [Fox News, Fox & Friends, 9/6/11; Media Matters, 9/5/11]

Fox Has Consistently Downplayed Violent Rhetoric And Threats Directed At Democrats, Progressives

Hannity: "So Do You Think That This Is Just An Effort To Smear Conservatives?" During the March 24, 2010, edition of his Fox News show, Sean Hannity discussed threats made to Democratic lawmakers during debate over health care reform. Hannity said that Democrats "are trying to make a big deal over the weekend and this is denied by a lot of people. I have not seen the videotape that confirms this yet. If anyone has it, send it to me. I want to see it, of racial slurs, anti-gay slurs being made at the Tea Party movement. Do we have any evidence that corroborates this at all?" Later, he asked: "So do you think that this is just an effort to smear conservatives? Is this a concerted effort to say, you know what? They are all a bunch of racists; they're all a bunch of homophobes?" [Fox News, Hannity3/24/10 via Media Matters]

Doocy: "So Why Are People Angry? Maybe Because They Didn't Want This [Health Care] Bill?" On the March 25, 2010, edition of Fox & Friends, while teasing a segment about threats against Democrats, Doocy said: "Meanwhile, some House Democrats getting extra security after a series of death threats and even a little vandalism over their health care votes. So why are people angry? Well, maybe because they didn't want this [health care] bill?" [Fox News, Fox & Friends3/25/10  via Media Matters]

Carlson Agrees It's "Disappointing" That Democrats Are Making Threats So Public And Says "They Should Just Stop Discussing It All Together." After Doocy said that Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) "thinks the Democrat lawmakers are feeding the public's frenzy over the threats by discussing them so openly in the media," Fox & Friends co-host Gretchen Carlson said: "It's such a political thing, though, guys. I think it would be happening on the other side of the fence, too, that maybe the other political party would try to take advantage of a situation, and that's disappointing. I think it's disappointing -- they should just stop discussing it all together. Just agree on the fact that it's disappointing behavior, no matter who's doing it." Later, after Kilmeade said, "You hurt your own cause when you have racial epithets or have homophobic phrases," Carlson stated, "It ruins it for everybody, just like the kid who acts up at the birthday party." [Fox News, Fox & Friends3/25/10 via Media Matters]


& Friends Airs Viewer Emails Comparing Threats Against Democrats To American Revolution, William Ayers. Later on the March 25, 2010 edition of Fox & Friends, after Carlson said, "The most important thing is what you think about all of this, because you are the ones that are going to go to the polls eventually," Fox & Friends aired several emails from viewers that condemned the threats but also appeared to defend violent actions. One email claimed that Democrats are using the threats "to gain sympathy. Like Rahm Emanuel said, 'you never waste a crisis.'" Another read: "[W]hat did they expect when they basically stole from the American people. What do they think 1776 was about & wasn't there some violence back then?" A third email said: "I don't like violence & it is wrong. Having said that, why should Democrats be surprised? Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground bombed the Pentagon & now he is a 'respected' speaker of the left. Why should Democrats expect anything different?"

Excerpts from the emails:








[Fox News, Fox & Friends3/25/10 via Media Matters]

Cupp: Democrats "Want Us To Feel Sorry For Them That They've Gotten A Couple Of ... Angry Voicemails." During the March 24, 2010, edition of Hannity, Fox News contributor S.E. Cupp said, "You know, Democrats who did this -- who sort of rammed this [health care bill] down our throats regardless of the fact that it actually won't save us any money, it's going to bankrupt us and the American people didn't want it -- want us to feel sorry for them that they've gotten a couple of angry, you know, voicemails. They should read my e-mail. You know, what did they expect? No one condones threats. No one condones the violence, but I'm glad people are angry. I hope they stay angry." [Fox News, Hannity3/24/10 via Media Matters]

Fox Nation: "Are Threats Really Elevated, Or Are Dems Playing Politics?" In March 2010, Fox Nation displayed a picture of several Democratic congressmen alongside the headline, "Are Threats Really Elevated, or Are Dems Playing Politics?" The headline linked to a NewsBusters post that claimed there were "no specific examples of alleged threats of violence [against Democrats] cited" and that the media and politicians are "trying to construct a meme of conservative violence as we run up to the 2010 elections." From Fox Nation:


[Fox Nation, 3/24/10 via Media Matters]

Charles Krauthammer: "I'm Sure A Lot Of This Is Trumped Up. ... You Are Always Going To Have A Kook And A Nut Here And There." On the March 24, 2010, edition of Fox News' Special Report, Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer said of the threats, "I'm sure a lot of this is trumped up the way of the unruliness of some of the crowd on the day of the voting in the House was trumped up. You are always going to have a kook and a nut here and there. It's being used by supporters of Obamacare to tar opponents with, you know, threats, violence, being un-American in general. I think it ought to be denounced, as the Republicans have. It should be. But it's not reflective of those who oppose the bill." [Fox News, Special Report3/24/10 via Media Matters]

Trotta: "The Left Wing Virtually Invented Violent Dissent" And The Press Is "Wildly Exaggerating And Embroidering" Threats To Members Of Congress. On the March 27, 2010, edition of Fox News' America's News HQ, Fox News contributor Liz Trotta said: "The left wing virtually invented violent dissent going all the way back to the 1960s. So to hear everybody wildly exaggerating and embroidering what's happened in Washington is really rather laughable. And the media has been suckered into it." [Fox News, America's News HQ, 3/27/10 via Media Matters]

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#19. To: jwpegler (#16)

No meaning was changed here.


Bullshit again.

Here's the actual quote: "Everybody here’s got to vote. If we go back, and we keep the eye on the prize, let’s take these son of a bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong".

It's obvious the "taking out" refers to voting them out. That's why Fox edited it out of their clip.

Skip Intro  posted on  2011-09-06   15:47:44 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#20. To: Skip Intro (#18)

Do you understand the difference between a political party and an alleged "news" organization?

I do. I also remember ABC News outright lying about a situation I was personally involved in when I was in Greece with the U.S. Air Force in the early 80s.

That's when I stopped trusting the America media.

Just go to Youtube and look at the unedited Hoffa speech. It's all there for everyone to see.

The hippies wanted peace and love. We wanted Ferraris, blondes and switchblades. -- Alice Cooper

jwpegler  posted on  2011-09-06   15:50:35 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#21. To: jwpegler (#20)

I've already seen the unedited speech. Too bad Fox viewers won't bother themselves to do the same.

Skip Intro  posted on  2011-09-06   15:51:34 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#22. To: jwpegler (#9)

Teamsters have a history of violence.

The question the democrat drones need to ask themselves is this:

If some half-wit union thug takes Hoffa's words to heart and knocks off some eeeeeeeeevil tea-partier, who will they blame it on?

It'll take a real strettttttttttttch to blame THAT on Bush or Palin or the tea-party.

(though I'm sure they'll give it the old college try)


HA! The tea-party, INDEED! They're so . . . ah . . . common

Get Outta Dodge!  posted on  2011-09-06   15:52:06 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#23. To: war, jwpegler (#14)

Nice try war, but that wasn't a 70 year old woman in that pathetic pic you posted! ~ Murron

Media Freaks Out After Man Filmed Carrying Legal Firearm Outside Obamacare Event

David Edwards and Daniel Tencer, Raw Story

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


The MSNBC anchors in the clip are aghast that a mere slave – and not a super-human police officer – might be allowed to carry a firearm in public, despite the fact that New Hampshire is an open carry state – it is perfectly legal to carry a loaded firearm in public without the need for a permit.

The MSNBC host Carlos Watson - who yesterday bizarrely claimed that anti-Obamacare protesters were using the political term “socialist” as a secret code for the n-word, even calls on lawyers to overturn the right to open carry on the spot merely because Lord Obama is coming to town

President Obama traveled to Portsmouth, New Hampshire Tuesday for what many feared could be a rowdy ‘town hall-style’ meeting at a time when some foes of his healthcare overhaul have shouted down lawmakers holding similar events around the country. But no such disruptions occurred at the event.

Earlier, MSNBC’s Ron Allen reported that cameras filmed a protester with a handgun strapped to his leg the meeting before Obama arrived. The man was seen carrying a sign saying “It’s time to water the tree of liberty.”

The man’s “tree of liberty” sign is a reference to Thomas Jefferson, who said “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

Allen says the Portsmouth police chief told him the man’s gun is legal, because he is on private property — he is on the grounds of a nearby church. Police say his gun is registered and he can keep it on him as long as it is not concealed.


Murron  posted on  2011-09-06   15:53:18 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#24. To: Skip Intro (#19) (Edited)

A few points:

Fox did not completely change the meaning of Hoffa's words like the Democrat Party completely changed the meaning of Carroll Campbell's words.

The words "take the son of a bitches out" means something very specific to the son of a mobster. It means get rid of them by whatever means necessary.

Yes it certainly was a veiled threat, not a direct threat. He's too smart to make a direct threat. But the wink was passed along that some serious muscle is needed against the opposition. Everyone knows this. You even know this, but won't admit it.

The left (including the leftist media at MSNBC) have been bashing grandmothers at Tea Party rallies as "terrorists" poised to commit acts of unimaginable violence against America.

Here we have the son of an assassinated mobster saying "let's take the son of a bitches out".

It is very clear who is the real threat here.

The hippies wanted peace and love. We wanted Ferraris, blondes and switchblades. -- Alice Cooper

jwpegler  posted on  2011-09-06   16:07:03 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#25. To: Get Outta Dodge! (#22) (Edited)

If some half-wit union thug takes Hoffa's words to heart and knocks off some eeeeeeeeevil tea-partier, who will they blame it on?

This is what Hoffa -- the son of an assassinated mobster -- was doing. He was giving the go ahead signal to as many half-witted union thugs as possible.

Everyone knows this, but a lot of people are trying to deny it.

The hippies wanted peace and love. We wanted Ferraris, blondes and switchblades. -- Alice Cooper

jwpegler  posted on  2011-09-06   16:10:37 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#26. To: Brian S (#0)


Sorry, BS, not you, or any other water carrier for the DNC can unring the bell baby Hoffa rang yesterday. Nor can you ever disassociate your messiah, Owe- bama, from it.

Somebody took out a Dem Congresswoman not to long ago, remember?

Proxy IP's are amusing.....lmao

Badeye  posted on  2011-09-06   16:12:03 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#27. To: jwpegler, Skippy the water carrier (#25)

a lot of people are trying to deny it.

It took me all of about 10 minutes to determine that Skippy's opinion might be - shall we say - just slightly partisan.





HA! The tea-party, INDEED! They're so . . . ah . . . common

Get Outta Dodge!  posted on  2011-09-06   16:20:32 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#28. To: Get Outta Dodge! (#27)

Skippy's not to bright, most of us have known this for about 24 months here.

Proxy IP's are amusing.....lmao

Badeye  posted on  2011-09-06   16:22:27 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#29. To: Badeye (#28)

Skippy's not to [sic] bright


At least he knows where LF's EDIT feature is...

America...My Kind Of Place...

"I truly am not that concerned about [bin Laden]..."
--GW Bush

--Sarah Palin's version of "The Midnight Ride of Paul revere"

I lurk to see if someone other than Myst or Pookie posts anything...

war  posted on  2011-09-06   16:36:11 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#30. To: Murron (#23)

Did you have a point that might be of interest, Mammy?

America...My Kind Of Place...

"I truly am not that concerned about [bin Laden]..."
--GW Bush

--Sarah Palin's version of "The Midnight Ride of Paul revere"

I lurk to see if someone other than Myst or Pookie posts anything...

war  posted on  2011-09-06   16:37:17 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#31. To: Badeye (#26)

Somebody took out a Dem Congresswoman not to [sic] long ago, remember?

Arizona Tea Party/GOP Raffles off a Glock Like the One to Shoot Gaby Giffords


by Chad Nance

September 2, 2011

The Tea Party/GOP is always ready to show a little class. Remember Gaby Giffords? the member of Congress who was shot by that mutant Jared Loughner with a 9mm Glock. Remember how the local Tea Party candidate offered fundraisers before the shooting where constituents could meet him out at a gun range for a little of the old rock-n-roll?

NOW the classy folks over at the Republican Party in Arizona have a new fundraiser-

offering as a prize the same type of gun used in the attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords.

On August 26 the Pima County Republican Party sent out its regular online newsletter, e-Tracks [PDF]. It contained your standard newsletter stuff – an intro from the chairman, a description of local candidates, a calendar of upcoming events, the usual parliamentary bullshit…then comes the fun stuff. The stuff that really shows where the Republican heart is at. The newsletter also inculded an eye-catching giveaway to raise money for GOTV (Get Out the Vote) efforts. For the low, low price of $10, readers can purchase a raffle ticket (out of 125 offered) for a chance to win a brand new handgun. Not just any handgun, but a Glock 23. That's right… the very same kind of gun (his was a model 19, but there is no major difference.) Loughner used to murder a judge, a child, and several other citizens as well as severally wound Representative Giffords.

America...My Kind Of Place...

"I truly am not that concerned about [bin Laden]..."
--GW Bush

--Sarah Palin's version of "The Midnight Ride of Paul revere"

I lurk to see if someone other than Myst or Pookie posts anything...

war  posted on  2011-09-06   16:38:03 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#32. To: Skip Intro (#21) (Edited)

I've already seen the unedited speech.

"Take These Son a Of Bitches Out" -- James Hoffa Junior (son of an assassinated mobster) talking about the Tea Party.

That is what he said. The message was clear. There will some half-witted union thug that follows his advice.

Just watch...

The hippies wanted peace and love. We wanted Ferraris, blondes and switchblades. -- Alice Cooper

jwpegler  posted on  2011-09-06   16:41:29 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#33. To: war, jwpegler (#30)

jwpegler: "Do you honestly believe that 70 year old women protesting against big government at Tea Party rallies are dangerous terrorists?"

Did you have a point that might be of interest, Mammy?

Sure! In your usual sleezy way, you attempted to use the pic you posted as proof old women were carrying weapons at townhall meetings/and/or/teaparty rallies.

I just posted the story that went with the pic you posted.

Murron  posted on  2011-09-06   16:46:43 ET  (1 image) Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#34. To: Skip Intro (#12)

exactly, does a mob hit of Hoffa's dad have to do with that?

He inherited his dad's position.

He's not some 7-11 clerk.

He holds exactly the same position as his assassinated mobster dad -- head of the Teamsters.

His dad and their family heritage has everything to do with his quote.


I grew up in Detroit. I remember when Hoffa disappeared. I've been to Hoffa's favorite restaurant (which was in Southfield, close to where he disappeared). I've seen mobsters there.

I know what these words mean. They are a signal.

In your heart, you know this too but you are so partisan that you admit it.

The hippies wanted peace and love. We wanted Ferraris, blondes and switchblades. -- Alice Cooper

jwpegler  posted on  2011-09-06   16:56:23 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#35. To: Murron (#33)

Sleazy is right.

The left has done everything possible to paint salt-of-the-earth Americans as some extreme terrorist threat.

What else can they do? Their policies have failed humanity for 100 years. From Stalin's Russia to Pol Pot's Cambodia to Kim's Korea -- they leave nothing but death and destruction in their wake.

The left is entirely driven by envy. No matter how good they are doing individually, they can't stand the fact that others might be doing better.

This envious obsession with others drives them mad and causes them to support tyrants who enslave and murder in the name of equality.

The left cannot be trusted, with anything.

The hippies wanted peace and love. We wanted Ferraris, blondes and switchblades. -- Alice Cooper

jwpegler  posted on  2011-09-06   17:08:09 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#36. To: jwpegler (#32)

That is what he said. The message was clear. There will some half-witted union thug that follows his advice.

And that thug will probably pick on someone who can't defend themselves very well like women and old people, or set a bomb somewhere and run like hell..... Typical leftard goon......

When asked by a Liberal what I bought my Granddaughter for her 1st birthday I replied, "MORE AMMUNITION"!!!! -----------------------------"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

CZ82  posted on  2011-09-06   18:03:06 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#37. To: jwpegler (#32)

There will some half-witted union thug that follows his advice.

Just watch...

Yep, and it wouldn't surprise me if a TP member with a CCW permit blows them away.

Just watch for that.

Proxy IP's are amusing.....lmao

Badeye  posted on  2011-09-06   18:06:19 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#38. To: Brain Shit (#0)

But Hoffa was not endorsing violence -- he was urging his audience to remove elected officials by voting;

Of course Brain Shit, you shilling desperate obama ballsack.

The above "defense" of the completely indefensible thug fucker's statements are why you collect so much verbal spit on your snout.


Death to everybody who does not get outta my way. (decided to retire the beatdowns on old worthless retread posters that are bozoed)

e_type_jag  posted on  2011-09-06   21:51:02 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#39. To: Murron (#33)

Do you believe that the 70 year old women at Hoffa's rally who were told to vote to take the bastards out mistook that as an order to shoot to kill?

America...My Kind Of Place...

"I truly am not that concerned about [bin Laden]..."
--GW Bush

--Sarah Palin's version of "The Midnight Ride of Paul revere"

I lurk to see if someone other than Myst or Pookie posts anything...

war  posted on  2011-09-07   7:47:56 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#40. To: war (#39)

Do you believe that the 70 year old women at Hoffa's rally who were told to vote to take the bastards out mistook that as an order to shoot to kill?

war, I believe there are sick people in all the parties who would take these words literally and act on them, I just don't think it's right to smear the intire party, any party, unless there is proof otherwise.

Murron  posted on  2011-09-07   10:16:37 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#41. To: Badeye (#37)

Yep, and it wouldn't surprise me if a TP member with a CCW permit blows them away.

Un Cowboy Boofer and Uma Strapped, Pilgrim!!!!

America...My Kind Of Place...

"I truly am not that concerned about [bin Laden]..."
--GW Bush

--Sarah Palin's version of "The Midnight Ride of Paul revere"

I lurk to see if someone other than Myst or Pookie posts anything...

war  posted on  2011-09-07   10:22:20 ET  (1 image) Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#42. To: Murron (#40)

So you believe that the [fake and contrived] outrage over Hoffa's words is bullshit...


America...My Kind Of Place...

"I truly am not that concerned about [bin Laden]..."
--GW Bush

--Sarah Palin's version of "The Midnight Ride of Paul revere"

I lurk to see if someone other than Myst or Pookie posts anything...

war  posted on  2011-09-07   10:23:41 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#43. To: Murron (#40)

I believe there are sick people in all the parties who would take these words literally and act on them

True - but the sick people on the Left are better than the sick people on the Right because the sick people on the Left advance the idea that the State Is Supreme while the sick people on the Right tend to want to take out those who want to limit freedoms and liberties, misguided though they be. Anything that advances the cause of statism is always good and anything that limits the cause of statism is always bad.

Do you understand now? /twilight zone music


HA! The tea-party, INDEED! They're so . . . ah . . . common

Get Outta Dodge!  posted on  2011-09-07   10:24:39 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#44. To: Get Outta Dodge! (#43)

Which group continually promotes the ultimate powers of the state which is in policing and war making?

It most certainly is not the Left.

America...My Kind Of Place...

"I truly am not that concerned about [bin Laden]..."
--GW Bush

--Sarah Palin's version of "The Midnight Ride of Paul revere"

I lurk to see if someone other than Myst or Pookie posts anything...

war  posted on  2011-09-07   10:25:58 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#45. To: war (#44)

Which group continually promotes the ultimate powers of the state which is in policing and war making?

It most certainly is not the Left.

I'm sure learning a lot today.

First I learned that LBJ was a conservative. Now I find out that Obama and the democrats (who had two years unrestricted control of all 3 branches, so they could have ended or at least severely cut back "Bush's wars") aren't "of the Left"



HA! The tea-party, INDEED! They're so . . . ah . . . common

Get Outta Dodge!  posted on  2011-09-07   10:31:25 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#46. To: war (#42)

So you believe that the [fake and contrived] outrage over Hoffa's words is bullshit...


I did not say that.

Murron  posted on  2011-09-07   10:37:53 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#47. To: Get Outta Dodge! (#45)

Pssst. That clown actually believes Lee Harvey Oswald was a 'conservative'.... (eyes rolling)

Proxy IP's are amusing.....lmao

Badeye  posted on  2011-09-07   11:07:08 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#48. To: Murron (#46)

You know he specializes in making shit up, attributing it to others, and then pretending its 'real', Murron.

Proxy IP's are amusing.....lmao

Badeye  posted on  2011-09-07   11:07:52 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#49. To: Murron (#46) (Edited)

I did not say that.

Sure you did.

"war, I believe there are sick people in all the parties who would take these words literally and act on them, I just don't think it's right to smear the intire [sic] party, any party, unless there is proof otherwise."

America...My Kind Of Place...

"I truly am not that concerned about [bin Laden]..."
--GW Bush

--Sarah Palin's version of "The Midnight Ride of Paul revere"

I lurk to see if someone other than Myst or Pookie posts anything...

war  posted on  2011-09-07   11:12:28 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#50. To: Badeye (#48)

You know he specializes in making shit up, attributing it to others, and then pretending its 'real', Murron.

You just made that up, Boofer.

America...My Kind Of Place...

"I truly am not that concerned about [bin Laden]..."
--GW Bush

--Sarah Palin's version of "The Midnight Ride of Paul revere"

I lurk to see if someone other than Myst or Pookie posts anything...

war  posted on  2011-09-07   11:16:18 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#51. To: Get Outta Dodge! (#45)

First I learned that LBJ was a conservative.

Who spent more money and American lives fighting Communism?

And it wasn't LBJ who coined that phrase...

America...My Kind Of Place...

"I truly am not that concerned about [bin Laden]..."
--GW Bush

--Sarah Palin's version of "The Midnight Ride of Paul revere"

I lurk to see if someone other than Myst or Pookie posts anything...

war  posted on  2011-09-07   11:30:50 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#52. To: war (#51) (Edited)

Who spent more money and American lives fighting Communism?

I'd rank them in this order (most to least):

Truman; LBJ; JFK; Nixon; McCarthy. At least old Joe was content to look for Reds here and not abroad.

And it wasn't LBJ who coined that phrase...
No - the bastard "lied and thousands died" us into the war which caused the phrase to be coined.


HA! The tea-party, INDEED! They're so . . . ah . . . common

Get Outta Dodge!  posted on  2011-09-07   12:41:59 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#53. To: Get Outta Dodge! (#52) (Edited)

I'd rank them in this order (most to least):

Truman; LBJ; JFK; Nixon; McCarthy. At least old Joe was content to look for Reds here and not abroad.

You seem to have forgotten Eisenhower and his part of the Korean War.

mininggold  posted on  2011-09-07   12:53:32 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#54. To: mininggold (#53)

You seem to have forgotten Eisenhower and his Korean War.

Truman was president in 1950 when the Korean "police action" started.

It supposedly ended in 1953, shortly after Eisenhower was inaugurated. (though we're still there doing Lord knows what)

Say what you want about Eisenhower - as a former General, he knew what the true cost of war was.


HA! The tea-party, INDEED! They're so . . . ah . . . common

Get Outta Dodge!  posted on  2011-09-07   13:13:13 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#55. To: Get Outta Dodge! (#54)

Dean Acheson claimed in private circles that Eisenhower counseled Truman to fire MacArthur...

America...My Kind Of Place...

"I truly am not that concerned about [bin Laden]..."
--GW Bush

--Sarah Palin's version of "The Midnight Ride of Paul revere"

I lurk to see if someone other than Myst or Pookie posts anything...

war  posted on  2011-09-07   13:24:52 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#56. To: war (#55)

Dean Acheson claimed in private circles that Eisenhower counseled Truman to fire MacArthur...

I think MacArthur backed Truman into a corner - he had no choice but to fire him.

BTW - I think Truman did the right thing.


HA! The tea-party, INDEED! They're so . . . ah . . . common

Get Outta Dodge!  posted on  2011-09-07   13:47:18 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#57. To: Get Outta Dodge! (#56)


America...My Kind Of Place...

"I truly am not that concerned about [bin Laden]..."
--GW Bush

--Sarah Palin's version of "The Midnight Ride of Paul revere"

I lurk to see if someone other than Myst or Pookie posts anything...

war  posted on  2011-09-07   13:55:01 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#58. To: Get Outta Dodge! (#54) (Edited)

It supposedly ended in 1953, shortly after Eisenhower was inaugurated. (though we're still there doing Lord knows what)

Eisenhower was the original Cold Warrior in our arms buildup race against the USSR. He created and had engineered the interstate highway system with the stated purpose being to more easily mobilize troops.

You don't like our role as the world's policeman and surrounder of those we perceive to be the bad guys?

mininggold  posted on  2011-09-07   14:25:06 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#59. To: mininggold (#58)

You don't like our role as the world's policeman and surrounder of those we perceive to be the bad guys?

A wise man with the initials GW (no, not THAT one) said something about avoiding entangling foreign alliances.

I think he might have been on to something. Too bad we didn't follow his advice.


HA! The tea-party, INDEED! They're so . . . ah . . . common

Get Outta Dodge!  posted on  2011-09-07   14:39:43 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

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