Latinos prepare for possible war Credit: Getty Images
Phoenix-based Nuestros Reconquistos claims that there will be a war very similar to the Civil War fought in the next five years. La Raza and MEChA have already talked to Latinos and Phoenix and explained that Latinos need to arm themselves for war, says Nuestros Reconquistos President Manuel Longoria.
Cecilia Maldonado of Chicanos Unidos Arizona isnt hoping for any sort of war, but believes it may be unavoidable. For generations, our people have prepared us to take back the lands of the Southwest that were stolen from our Mexican ancestors. Because of the bad economy and many racist laws, Latinos will be forced to fight sooner than later, says Mrs. Maldonado.
Latino groups believe they have enough people in states such as California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas to successfully wage a war on the United States. Whos side will you be on?
Poster Comment:
Miguel Perez, current president of Chicanos Unidos Arizona and an active member of La Raza, also served as the vice president of the Latino civil rights organization MECHA in Fullerton California. He is the son of two Mexican immigrants. Perez plans to become a lawyer in order to protect the rights of Latinos. You can reach Perez at
Pendejo, Bush already surrendered!