Mr Obama, a half-Black, half-White American, is a big hero of Black (and a lot of White) young people. Right now, a lot of mostly (all?) Black young people are creating and joining FLASH MOBS which are entering stores and looting, counting on the fact that the store owners aren't armed and the cops are too busy to come right away.
By the way, Wikipedia, ever the honest purveyor of information (smile), says Flash Mobs are 'entertaining', imagine? Here's their take: A flash mob (or flashmob)[1] is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and sometimes seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment and/or satire. (Z: maybe Wikipedia will update their entry to reflect what 'flash mobs' seem to have become)
So, we have Flash Mobs and, meanwhile, there's the fact that about 500 Black kids attacked Whites at a Wisconsin Fair.....
Here's my take: WHERE IS MR OBAMA? Have you heard anything about what he thinks of Black kids forming flash mobs and hurting people, or Black adults beating on Whites at Myrtle Beach, or the 500 Black kids attacking Whites in Wisconsin? And imagine if this were White kids beating on Blacks? IMAGINE the media? !! (And, imagine how many Black Americans are as horrified as we are to read this stuff? MANY.)
I'm wondering if Obama could POSITIVELY use his Blackness and his popularity among people like this to come on television and say the following:
No, I won't tell you...You supply his script! What might he say? Do you think it would help?
I couldn't resist posting this image I found! :-) That might stop looters?