I just got back from a two day suspension. Stone suspended me two days ago, but unless you were quick, you wouldn't know it, because the thread in which he did has has been “disappeared” down the memory hole. The thread was up for a day before he (or mod x, don't ya just love the new uncertainty??) deleted it.
BUT, before deleting the thread, he edited the title WITHOUT INDICATING THAT HE HAD EDITED IT, making it look as though I HAD AUTHORED THE TITLE. The original title was “Moderator X is an asshole”, which Stone changed to “Wood_Chopper is acting like an asshole”.
Being suspended, I couldn't post to point that out, and now that I'm back, the thread is gone.
His complaint CERTAINLY couldn't have been about the word “asshole”, since he left it in the edited title.
Stone, show some integrity, admit you did this (since the evidence is now quite conveniently down the memory hole), and please explain to me why you dumped the thread down the memory hole.
How can I now be sure that when I read something here, the invisible hand of Stone has not been at work??
The answer is I can't. And I don't stay at a site where I can't trust the owner.
Bye all!! It's been fun.