My wife was sworn in as a US citizen on Friday. At the ceremony, they stressed the right to vote, among other things. I asked her if she was now going to vote, and she said she planned to. When I asked her if she knew who she wanted to vote for, she said "I think Day-MOH-crah, that's the best right." (I don't discuss politics with her.)
Oh, she also felt free to lecture me that I don't have the right to complain unless I started voting more often than I do. I told her she's never heard me complain. She said she sees on the computer where I talk bad about the Kenyan WH usurper, and I told her she's never seen my name on there. She said that's because I use a different name. LOL.
Interesting thing about the ceremony -- there were 63 people being sworn in, and you'd think most would be coming from Mexico and neighboring countries. Wasn't the case at all. Only a couple were from Mexico. Overall there were people from 30 Countries. The two Countries with the most were India and The Philipines. There was even one person from England who was being naturalized as a US citizen.