I don't care where you were born, I'm just curious who your real daddy was. Based on appearance my money's on either Frank Marshall Davis or Malcom X. Of course, given Stanley Ann's slutty lifestyle, it could have been anyone with a good tan.
Did yo' momma ever tell you who your real daddy was, or did she even know? Inquiring minds want to.
Stanley ann's M formation is awfully similar to the David A's M formation.
In handwriting analysis, they look for stroke patterns, especially with handwriting samples that may be forged.
The loops are similar, as are the d's and a's.
The David signature looks like there were stops and starts as well...not a fluid stroke.
Finally, back in 1961, all we had to write with were:
ball point pens
fountain pens.
How did her signature get so "bold"? There were no pens available at that time that could do that...except maybe a fountain pen....but it doesn't look characteristically like a fountain pen (the tiny Stanley would have blobbed).
It looks like it was written using a "FLAIR" pen.
When did they come out?
Goldi-Lox posted on 2011-04-27 10:18:11 ET Reply Trace
I never was a Berfer, thank you very much. I always thought it was a waste of time even if it did turn out he was born in a Kenyan mud hut. There is too much serious stuff like Barry's terrorist friends and hidden academic records and Marxist health care and nationalized banks and seized car companies and no tax paying crony capitalist buddies like Jobs Czar Immelt that could bring him down if only the proletariat would focus on what really matters.