Well, I didn't hack some little ol' man in Alaska that only has his LP. I don't care what anyone sez about me.
// Monday morning is coming for Gatlin, "yukon" and harrowup. If they can't categorically PROVE their conjectures about anyone hacking to an ol' man's account on an out of the way chit-chat channel, its curtains.
It is their schedule for Monday not mine. I hope they have a fine Easter Egg Hunt. But, by including me into their game; including fine posters EVERYWHERE, they won't be able to say too much afterwards.
I figured that was her newest fantacy. I just had to clarify that you weren't to somebody else here earlier. Funny how you keep posting on the net even when you're flying the ultralight or cessna.
If you're gonna stir my pot, you'd better get a good grip on the handle!
Don't you remember, you hocked it for a bottle of Wild Turkey, and started another kissy poo rep with DBR
Granny or hillbillywoman or wildwon or whatever you call you self... "RebelGal" 'eh... go back into the woods and cook up some brew and then come back, ya hear?
For those in the know, the services are not "Proxy Servers" .. it is called proxie services. Now, what do want to know? Are you going to run off an tell "yukon" that Alaska is out of my domains?
This is all mixed up, Mel ... these days we have friends fighting with former friends and enemies who are now friends fighting with enemies. Only one thing remains constant ... most everyone still dislikes Divah.
She knows how to make enemies, that's for sure. Must be pretty bad when you have lost the last friend you had and have to resort to befriending enemies from years past
If you're gonna stir my pot, you'd better get a good grip on the handle!
That was funny ... She has accused me of stalking her to forums I have never heard of. Now she accuses me of being Glenn how she ever came up with that, is a wonder. She needs to be committed tonight.