Title: Moron (D-VA) Shouts Down Disabled Vet at Town Hall; ‘Sit Down or Leave’ Source:
Breitbart TV URL Source:http://www.breitbart.tv/dem-rep-sho ... t-town-hall-sit-down-or-leave/ Published:Apr 8, 2011 Author:Breitbart TV Post Date:2011-04-08 13:22:09 by Happy Quanzaa Keywords:Dignified Democrat civil debat Views:1216 Comments:4
Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) shows his temper with a veteran at a Town Hall meeting last night (April 7). Utilizing typical tactics he questions the validity of the man's claim of military service and calls the gentleman's question "caustic". When his constituent objects to being characterized in such a way, the Congressman shouts over him and tells him to sit down.
"Caustic"?? It's not like the man claimed that pro-Israel forces pushed us into the Iraq War... Oh, wait a second... that was Rep. Moran who made that claim and was rebuked by his own colleagues for it.
Well, at least Moran has the guts to demonstrate exactly how the Democrats feel about the military and veterans....
So do you think Moran would expect the military to protect his ass if the American people got fed up and decided to shoot a bunch of them??????
"I love the 45 caliber M1911, I respect the 9MM M9 Beretta but I only carry a CZ for my own personal protection". Quote courtesy of Lt Col John Dean Cooper, recognized as the Father of Modern Handgunning
Looks like a demonstration of the innate self-loathing of liberals when confronted by someone who has sacrificed and given more than they ever will. Grace would have told the speaker to keep his mouth shut.
Actually, I feel sorry for you, yu-klown. Growing up with Sally as a mother would probably turn anyone queer.