Title: Goldi - Yukon A Schmoe Not A 'Mo,/Caution My Site Is Vulnerable To Hacking And Identity Theft/And Please Send Money Source:
ElPee URL Source:[None] Published:Apr 1, 2011 Author:war Post Date:2011-04-01 13:37:41 by war Keywords:None Views:43476 Comments:46
So the "cover" story is that LP accounts were hacked and Yukon is just a regular schmoe instead of a prancing 'mo.
So...all of you should feel free to give to LP..the site that Hackers and Identity Thieves love...
Think back through all the fund raisers you know on LP, while remembering that she is not doing a megabucks JimRob fund raiser I will provide a link for the flashback: 2009-12-02@12:22:11
Interesting Observations from that fund raising thread. A review shows that certain people never change: #80 / #93 / #203 /#512 (second donation) / #527 / #528 / #541 / #548 / #551 on 2009-12-04@21:59:07 the goal was attained.
Goldi has never had any problem with fund raisers and this time (two calendar years since the last one), she will have no problem either.
Of course you know that Goldi need no diabolical scheme, as some have suggested, to conspire with yukon and invent the circumstances of last Sunday in order to raise money ... what a fooish notion held by some irrational people.