Given a choice of volunteers manning a library or shutting them down, guess which choice a teacher's union wants to enforce? Nope, you're wrong, the kids just don't matter. After all volunteers are not "qualified". Youre putting unqualified people into the library who are not certified, Newman said (Anita Newman, teacher's union thug), calling it the basis of the grievance. We dont want to ruffle feathers, but youre responsible for the children. We dont use volunteers for recess or lunch either.
You see "grievance" mentioned above. Yep, the Teachers unions in Bridgewater and Raynham (Massachusetts) have filed a grievance that might prevent volunteers from working in the libraries. The volunteer workers were to serve as a stop gap effort by the schools to keep the libraries open and serving kids.
I may be a ranting idiot savant but I'm thinking I could be trained to check out books, help kids find the books they want, and prevent bloodshed in about 10 minutes. But I'm not a union teacher, so what do I know. It could be much more complicated. No, it's not. The libraries in question have used volunteers for some time, saving much needed education funds (tax dollars).
Susan Prewandowski, a regional school committee member and longtime school volunteer, thinks the union thugs are all washed up. We felt the most important thing was to let the kids have access to the library, she said.
Silly, Susan. The most important thing is to keep those union coffers full - kids be damned. Shame.