Title: This Site id Dead Source:
me URL Source:[None] Published:Jan 6, 2011 Author:me Post Date:2011-01-06 00:47:18 by Wood_Chopper Keywords:None Views:31629 Comments:41
It began to die after war was banned. Not because it was war, but because if he gets banned why would anyone invest time in the site. You can only post what you want if AKA likes it. If he doesn't like it you will be harassed and eventually banned. No one wants to put much into a site like that.
Especially when that idiot badeye is embraced, or even tolerated for that matter, lol.
When you've been doing Current Events your entire life, it really is 2nd nature, like breathing, to pull this shite up. 8D
And the AKA likes me! is a note that I post whatever I like an AKA doesn't ban me. a rebuttal that this site is alive to me. 8D
1. The Law That Never Was -- The Fraud of Income & Social Security ... In 1984, William J. Benson began a research project, never before performed, to investigate the process of ratification of the 16th Amendment. ... Sherry Jackson Article - The Man - IRS Loses - News & Events www.thelawthatneverwas.com/ - Cached - Similar
And speaking of stories Head Lining. Almost forgot this:
Washington despises Chavez because he is unwilling to hand over Venezuela's vast resources to corporate elites and bankers. That's why the Bush administration tried to depose Chavez in a failed coup attempt in 2002, and that's why the smooth-talking Obama continues to launch covert attacks on Chavez today. Washington wants regime change so it can install a puppet who will hand over Venezuela's reserves to big oil while making life hell for working people.
Washington wants regime change so it can install a puppet who will hand over Venezuela's reserves to big oil while making life hell for working people.
Like they did in all the banana republics down there. We (USA) are on our way in that direction too.