Robin of the nest is afraid to debate me. She banned me off her site because I was giving her an ass whippin. Then she came over here and signed up but was afraid to come out of the nest and debate me. Robin can't stand having anyone say anything contrary to her that she has banned all of the oposition. She should call herself parrot instead of Robin because she likes the echo.
Then there is war. He was getting his ass kicked and ran over to be under the protection of Robins left wing at the nest.
Then there is some guy called IDontThinkSo who also posts at the nest. I've been mailed some links to stuff he says about me. He seems obsessed but is to afraid to come over here and tell me about it. He prefers to shout afar from that filthy nest.
Then there is that strange fellow that is represented by a bunch of random characters on the keyboard. Lets just say he/she aint to bright
They chirp just like Robin. But apparently they have not grown feathers yet and are afraid to leave the nest.