Worst "Progressive" DONKEY Awards:
1. Eric Holder, Atourney General USA - (JACKASS)
It seems that it is okay to intimidate and harass voters as long as
a - You are a "racial" minority ("race" is nothing but an old Hitlerite /Darwinite "evolutionary" concept the "Progressives" use to buy and enslave voting blocks through Government dependency.)
b - You are using the voter intimidation to support the first recipient of the Worst "Progressive" DONKEY award Barack Hussein Obama.
This is certainly the idea being promoted by our current Atourney General Eric Holder. He still refuses to prosecute the New Black Panther members that stood in front of a poling place in Pensylvania brandishing KNOWN WEAPONS (a police knight stick) and wearing full paramilitary uniform. (The New Black Panthers are the Black Equivalant of white swastika and brown shirt uniformed Neo Nazis.) The case against the New Black Panthers is as slam dunk as any case could possibly be as it is accompanied by VIDEO EVIDENCE. This refusal to prosecute a genuine pair of terrorists earns Eric Holder a trip to the SALT MINES as the recipient of the Worst "Progressive" DONKEY Award.